Friday, July 16, 2004

parkinson's law

Expenses rise to meet income.

How true.

I started working right after college, for peanuts of course.

Now that I'm a lot better off than I have ever been as a salaried employee, I'm still stuck with the same question every payday: "Where in God's name did my money go???"

So now, I will resolve a number of things:

1. Refrain from having lunch at swanky restaurants.

2. Lunch money shouldn't go over 100 bucks.

3. Believe in the trickle-down effect and see how much you are contributing to the economy: Patronize jollijeep.

4. Buy everything generic. (toilet paper, antibiotics, cough medicine, dishwashing soap, garbage bags)

5. Buy in bulk.

6. Turn off all unnecessary lights and appliances when not in use.

7. Activate the IDD lock.

8. Get an all-consumable plan for my mobile phone.

9. Don't get pregnant yet.

10. Make do with what I already have, such as my parents' good and loving nature.

OK. So will my cost-cutting measures rise above the PPA, soaring oil prices, and forex fluctiations?


Blogger micki said...

I can totally relate. I always feel so proud whenever I put a deposit in my bank account, but when I checked how much I've saved recently, it amounted to around P5,000 saved for every year that I've been working. Where did all the money go?!

Saturday, August 14, 2004 at 7:25:00 PM GMT+8  

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