Thursday, October 28, 2004

blonde forever?

I feel so stupid. I'm studying for my midterms and the problems in the book are stumping me. And I'm blaming the book. Why? Because each chapter just goes on and on to define formulas, terms, practices, and other freaking finance jargon WITHOUT any examples. Worse is that each sentence is at least two and a half lines long. Don't the authors know that the secret to good writing is brevity? This is how the authors would've explained 1+1=2: The addition of another unit to the same unit will result in a balance that is expected from the pairing of such, observe that by moving one unit to the opposite of the equation, and thus changing the integer sign, the balance is maintained.

All those words that would've been more meaningful with a picture of one apple in a basket and a little girl putting another apple in it. Hellow!!!!

And the exercises at the end of each chapter? Ha!!! No answers in the appendices!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous-lee says:

i guess you shouldn't be calling yourself blonde; clearly, the book's authors each have a full set of wavy blonde tresses.... he3x! :P

Wednesday, November 3, 2004 at 11:02:00 PM GMT+8  

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