Friday, June 10, 2005

this is why i don't like going to the doctor

Resident Gyne: ok,history...when was the first time you had sex?
LG: "..."
RG: any kids
LG: yes, one.
RG: last time you had sex?
LG: er, is that necessary?
RG: yes
LG: "..."
RG: how often?
LG: i...i really don't count...
RG: on the average? in a week?
LG: er...ah...hmm..."...?"
RG: how many sex partners have you had?
LG: this is confidential, isn't it?
RG: yes, of course.
LG: No one else has access to my files other than you doctors, right?
RG: no one.
LG: "..."

Twenty minutes later i'm back into my pants again.

Nurse: Ma'am, please take a seat, we'll just process some paperwork.
LG: Thanks.

I take a seat by the wall. On the wall was a small corkboard. On the small corkboard, together with memos and schedules and birthday wishes for residents celebrating their birthdays that month, was my "reproductive" history.


Blogger Bambi said...

you're supposed to count?!?!?!! what? what if it were like, 428 times?

sinungaling na doctor un ah! if that were me, id want to be swallowed by magma right now and morph to darth vader (koooo---hwiiii....kooo-hwiiii).

Friday, June 10, 2005 at 5:01:00 PM GMT+8  

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