Friday, March 25, 2005

irresponsible mother

One lazy morning...

Cute preschooler: Mommy let's watch DVD, I want to watch Catwoman.
Mommy: (sprawled on the bed) Ok.
(CP takes DVD from the case and proceeds to switch the player on.)
CP: Mommy it's not on.
Mommy: Daddy forgot to plug it back in last night. (that's right, blame daddy.) Plug it back in.
CP: I don't like, I might get electricity.
Mommy: No you won't, just be careful.
CP: No, I don't like eh. It's dangerous.
Mommy: (Getting annoyed but still sprawled on the bed) No you won't, just be careful.
CP: (Worried) It's dangerous.
Mommy: (Voice gets stern) Sige na! You won't get electricity.
CP: Oh-kay...(hunches over the extension with the plug in one hand, then very carefully pushes...)
CP: Arayyyy!!!


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