Friday, July 08, 2005 far

My legions of fans have been asking about Part II of Boo-Boo Interviews. Much as I'd like to make fun of nubile idealistic know-it-alls between the earth and sky where the bright blue eagles fly, I couldn't.

They all knew about 1997. They all knew about the crisis. Although they didn't know anything about George Soros (and to think I only learned about him a year after his infamous speculation on Asian currencies), they pretty much had an idea what to watch out for in a balance sheet.

Hmm...well, there was one girl. An econ grad who was meek, mild, and very...meek and mild. I tried to give her some giveaway questions...and I mean dead giveaways. Think Econ 101.

LG: What is absolute advantage?
Lucky applicant: Ma' has something to do with which country can produce more....
LG: Er, ok. What about competitive advantage?
LA: Ma''m sorry but I've been on vacation...I don't remember?
LG: Ok...tell me nalang who authored those theories.
LA: Ha? Er...ah...
LG: Absolute advantage...Adam Smith, remember?
LA: Ah, yes ma'am.
LG: And competitive advantage...David Ricardo.
LA: Ah, yes ma'am. (looks very unconvinced, though.)

Oh well...can I blame her? Or can't I? An economics graduate. Ok, ok, I asked those questions because I had them in my midterms the other day. I wouldn't have remembered David Ricardo myself...but Adam Smith? Come on. He's what Freud is to psychology.

Oh, here's another one:

LG: (after introducing the company and telling her about the position) So, are you interested in the position?
Lucky Applicant No. 2: Opo, ma'am.
LG: What struck you most about the position? the company?
LA2: Ma'am, gusto ko po yung marami akong natututnan, yung training 'nyo rin po.

I ask some more questions in English...which she all answers in Tagalog. Sigh...I guess it would've been more disastrous if she tried to answer in English....


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