Monday, January 30, 2006

Down the straight and narrow

Forgive me but there's something wrong with this blog.

I haven't written much about the funny people I encounter in the FX, the new gay instructor at the gym, or the my suking magtataho along Paseo whom I haven't seen for over a week already.

My recent posts all have something to do with how my life has changed since I ended my marriage. (Analogize my new 'do and dating.) Reading them now, I can't help but feel pathetic. Am I? Have I become a boring person now that I'm unattached? Do I sound like I want to "reattach" or something?

I wouldn't want to think so. Dating has become an adventure for me. Meeting jerks, making friends, getting dumped, making enemies, meeting the right person at the wrong time, meeting the wrong person at the right time (which is fun, actually), less-than-mutual attractions...not a walk in the park, really.

An adventure, but not a life. I come home to a preschooler who demands her nightly dose of balut while I have dinner. We see a movie every weekend, hear mass every Sunday, and read before going to bed. That's my life. And she's a different kind of an adventure.

*start sniffing here*


Blogger Punzi said...

I actually want to know how she's doing and how she's coping with you-know-what. But hey, that's just me and this is your blog. You can take your sweet time to blog about that.

Yes, we do understand and could relate.


Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 2:46:00 AM GMT+8  
Blogger Unknown said...

=) nice...
balut nightly? with sisiw?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 9:31:00 AM GMT+8  
Blogger categorically imperative said...

Punzi-> *sigh* Can I email my thoughts on how she's changed? I'm not comfortable at all blogging about it...she might come across this blog when she's old enough and feel awful about my broadcasting to the blogosphere her "neuroses."

miss santos-> yes, balut, with sisiw. she loves it and can eat 3 in one sitting, although I never let her eat more than 2.

Guy-> group huuuuuggg, bsb peeps!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 10:59:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Ronald Allan said...

It's not that bad a life cat. :-) Mine is basically identical except for the hours I sit in front of a monitor or a television screen. Not to mention the brain cells that die on me as I waste my life away in this hellhole I call my office. :-)

Friday, February 3, 2006 at 8:46:00 AM GMT+8  

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