Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I should have blogged about this sooner, but I was too busy begging off dates and other romantic inclinations. (It's raining ego-booster at best, annoying at worst.)

A few of you already know, namely, Punzi (hooray to single parents) and Number Cruncher, that my louse of an ex-husband (LXH from now on) braved the possibility of the wrath of a madwoman and asked that we patch things up. And of the dates he had to choose, our wedding anniversary. (Sixth, technically, because we still are married.)

It was a beautiful Sunday and I chose to spend the whole afternoon in Greenbelt, with my leisurely re-read, Sophie's World, and lots of coffee, al fresco. LP was with her dad, as arranged (but not always followed to the letter, not surprisingly, there are even times when I'd let her stay with him for three days, and he'd negotiate for two, this coming from a father who has my parents' car and who's had considerably less expenses since I kicked him out) and I decided that that day would be a Me Day.

At around 6pm, while hearing mass, I get a text from LP's nanny, that LXH has been asking for me, and what time I'd be home.

Weird...whatever for?

No, I didn't rush home. I took my sweet time praying. When I did get home, LP's nannies didn't waste time telling me that LXH has been calling every few minutes, "Is she home yet? Is she home yet? Text me as soon as she gets in."

I instructed them to turn off their cellphones and put the phone off the hook. "If he comes over, tell him I'm not here."

Lo and behold, a few minutes later, he was at the gate. With three red roses and an apology for "whatever it was that I did."

A lesser woman would've forgiven him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that means you ain't taking him back? :-/

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 7:51:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger categorically imperative said...

Nope. I've met a few wonderful men and want to know if there are any more of them out there!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 10:22:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Punzi said...

The nerve.

I think he just missed the life he used to have with you both...

Friday, March 17, 2006 at 3:00:00 PM GMT+8  

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