Wednesday, October 19, 2005

lo-carb, lo-cash, hahahaha

Talk about a crash. Atkins Nutritionals filed for Chapter 11 just recently. For those not in the know, and I'm assuming you are stick-thin glamour models who can wolf down pasta and potatoes and fried rice without gaining an ounce of fat (that's you, Bambi, I hate you, you vegan beanpole), the Atkins diet purveyed carborhydrates as evil, and steak and bacon as manna from heaven.

Stupid as it may sound, the diet worked for a lot of people. I followed a low-carb diet once. Very little rice, no potatoes, no pasta...I thought I was going to die. I'd have taho for breakfast, one cup of rice plus a protein-packed ulam for lunch, lots and lots of water throughout the day. Dinner was a nightmare. Yaya would make nilagang baka and sinigang and all those great lutong-bahay dishes, and I'd only have the meat and veggies, and sneak in two spoonfuls of rice once in a while.

Anyways, back to Atkins. The diet was supposedly actually hurt the the wheat industry, and bakeries started losing money. American per-capita consumption of beef, however, shot up. Imagine low-carb beer.

Well, now that the company's bankarote, pasta lovers, rejoice! I'll be at A Veneto later for my puttanesca.


Blogger Bambi said...

haha... my cousin was under atkin's diet before. ayaw nya tlaga. ni vegetables bawal, fruits bawal. as in you can eat as many lechon as you like and eggs. she felt awful. maganda raw atkins pag bata ka (she's 14 lang) but masama raw if you're like 40's kasi BP and cholesterol mo problema.

another thing works: high veggies and fruits and good carbs... my friend was able to shrink back to her prepregnant weight. and yes... i have been in the vegan diet for a loooong time...and a fan of vegetables since i was a kid.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 at 11:53:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Kitty Litter said...

i have been vindicated! screw diets. mamamatay rin naman tayo e ^_^ just kidding, but...i feel vindicated

Monday, October 24, 2005 at 3:59:00 PM GMT+8  

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