Monday, November 07, 2005

Cry vodka

Tell me how this will make a case strong:

For one thing, lawyer Carlitos Cruz said yesterday, the elements of premeditation were present. "She was seduced into drinking seven glasses of vodka tonic. These could be spiked with drugs-the reason why she came out dizzy," he said.

I'm expecting some smart lawyer to counter-blog me...but come on! How can she be "seduced" into drinking seven glasses of vodka tonic? And spiked too, for the dizzying effect?

I'm a heavy drinker vodka tonics do not a sober woman make. I seriously doubt if it had to be spiked with Ativan or diazepam...spiked alcohol? Er, alcohol is a drug, Attorney, a depressant, to be specific. And that's my sober self speaking. If my seven glasses of vodka tonic were indeed spiked, I'd be out like a light. I probably wouldn't have felt any semblance of sex because my central nervous system would already have been severely depressed. I'd wake up naked and in some unfamiliar place, most probably. If indeed I took seven shots of spiked vodka.

"Seduced" my ass. Ok, she probably didn't know she was drinking vodka because it looked like water, and since it tasted different, she probably thought it was flavored water, and she was thirsty, and the more she drank it, the thirstier she got. Ergo, dizzy.

I'm not siding with the American servicemen here. Neither am I calling her a slut who got what she deserved. But come on...getting drunk and getting some action was probably in her agenda. Unfortunately for her, assuming she was indeed raped, the guy had other things in mind.

Sorry if I sound harsh. Been around too many damsels in distress who get themselves into trouble.


Blogger Punzi said...

You talkin' to me? Kidding...

He may have just been playing the press because evident premeditation will get the 6 accused the death penalty.

Arguably, the seventh circumstance for rape automatically meriting the death penalty may not apply to foreign servicemen. And if there is such uncertainty, it will be intepreted to favor them. So he just probably an insurance of getting them death.

Just my two cents... you may or may not believe it...

Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 8:32:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger categorically imperative said...

I knew it! Law's a lot like chess! I pity the servicemen...if they won't be "eligible" for the death penalty, they'll have to endure Bilibid!

Thursday, November 10, 2005 at 10:22:00 PM GMT+8  

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