Thursday, November 17, 2005

marked for life

I twisted, turned, contorted into every which way...but really, I couldn't find any. Nary a birthmark on or anywhere near my nether regions. (Cellulite's different, Lee.)

So whose bad luck could it possibly be for our spanking-new SUV to sustain four accidents in five months, the latest being last night?

Let's run down the past five month's dents, scratches, and major repairs:

1. A motorcyled messenger squeezes himself into the curb, between rows of parked vehicles. His handlebar scratches the passenger's door.

2. A lady driver in a CRV conveniently backs up onto front bumper of my PARKED vehicle. Major repairs and replacements needed: bumper, headlights, and hood.

3. My life partner from whose "essence" contributed to another life I cherish, gets rear-ended by a taxi, and careens into a sidewalk eatery. Major repairs and replacements needed: the newly-replaced bumper, newly-replaced headlights and newly-replaced hood. Rear bumber and fenders.

4. While we were waiting for the lights to change at an intersection, another motorcycle squeezes into the curb and slips, denting the passenger door. The difference between this and Number 1? The guys on the bike were from Makati's finest...SWAT.

And no, that major episode of hurling inside didn't count.


Blogger number cruncher said...

it's a malas/unlucky SUV, get rid of it asap, before you get into a serious accident.

we had a similar experience w/ our honda city a few years back. i would bring my ancient car to school more often than the city, but the city would get into more scratches. the kicker was when it got hit by a truck for the 2nd time (1st time sans passengers, 2nd time with me driving).

Thursday, November 17, 2005 at 9:59:00 AM GMT+8  

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