Friday, March 31, 2006

Got my mojo back

...but apparently it wasn't enough. Oh well, better than nothing, right?

A female co-worker's been egging me to "gimmick" the past few months. I've always declined, citing, among other things, gym. I know, lame excuse. The truth is, I've been doubting a good fit between myself and the club scene nowadays. I step into a bar and I feel either so old or so pretentious, or both. Or maybe I'm not really into rubbing elbows with the likes of society columnists and their subjects. Whatever.

The first gimmick my co-worker invited me to, I got cold feet. I was already there, as in inside, between the tables, on the ground floor, while she was in the mezzanine. I felt like hyperventilating, and ready to collapse. "This just isn't my thing...I feel so old...This just isn't me." And I stepped out and hailed a cab. My co-worker frantically texted, "Where the hell are you?!?"

To which I sheepishly replied, "Sorry, I just couldn't go through it."

Not much fun there, am I?

The next few weeks, she egged me some more. I realized I was denying myself some fun. It wasn't that the bar scene was a bad fit, more like, I really was too chicken to try to open up and meet new people. And yes, the mojo thing. Did I have enough mojo to flirt with the men at these bars?

Open bar time. A good incentive, really, for me. Even if I went home empty handed, at least I'd have gotten inebriated for free.

Cut to the post-party. I went home 4am, drunk and giddy from Jack Daniels and beer. Yes, BSB peeps, I met quite a number of guys, not one though, asked for my number. Good enough. At least one of them wanted to get laid. Haha. "I'm a lousy lay drunk," I told him.

So there. Opening up to the the swingin' single life. Maybe I'll improve as I go along.


Blogger Punzi said...

Well, it's a start...

Saturday, April 1, 2006 at 4:58:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chalk one up for Cat!

Monday, April 3, 2006 at 4:08:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Sagar said...

Its so much easier if the whole point of going out is just to drink, be with people u know and...most importantly listen to some good music!

Dont let hip hoppy underage drinkers get you down! :p

So hang in there! :)

-Being Dr. Phil

Friday, April 7, 2006 at 3:10:00 PM GMT+8  

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