Friday, September 22, 2006

Hard feelings begone!

Some people have got more balls than others.

Let's pit my Hemingway-wannabe-it's-complicated-but-we're-friends friend against the seed of my beautiful offspring.

The former sent a "token" of his friendship and appreciation of my candor this morning. The token? A freakin' beautiful Emporio Armani wristwatch, along with a pashmina (because my cube is directly under an A/C vent) and a pretty scarf.

Talk about closure. Or starting over as friends? Whatever. I guess, at the very least, the message was, "No hard feelings."

Now for my selected sperm donor.


No, I don't expect him to shower me with expensive jewelry. But given how many years we've been together, and how freakin' long it's been, and that we've both moved on without ripping each other's heads off, shouldn't he at least even have the decency to initiate unhostile talks for the sake of his daughter? Or at least say, No hard feelings, let's talk about her this once.


Blogger Punzi said...

Perhaps he's just taking his time...

People (especially estranged one) are often in a dilemma. If they approach the ex, they'll be too fresh (or insensitive to what transpired) if they don't they'll be too insensitive (to what has to be discussed/done).

The other guy has an easier situation. You didn't have a kid with him. You didn't share a bathroom with him for years (or maybe you did?). So it's lighter for him...

Just my two cents.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 10:16:00 AM GMT+8  
Blogger categorically imperative said...

Yeah, I figured. I'm actually considering making the first move. I think maybe I should send feelers first. Through his mom or his friends, I'm not sure yet.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 1:21:00 PM GMT+8  

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