Wednesday, March 26, 2008

LP gets whipped.

And it hurt. Ouch.

It just had to happen, and on promotion day, at that. She may have been the best and most aggressive yellow-belter in her taekwondo class, but her skills were peanuts compared to this (slightly) bigger and older (by one year) boy who sparred against my LP.

Andolini summed it up: You could see fear in her eyes. Omigod...and I thought she only feared me. LP was never one to be intimidated by just another kid, until now.

At any rate, she did get her promotion to high-yellow.

Oh, well, she's got chess to fall back on.


Blogger TK said...

the boy is taller and older... well, if you are gonna bang your head against the wall, it's better to bang it against the hardest part. if you are gonna lose in a match, its better to lose against overwhelming odds.

Don't worry LP, you're gonna get him next time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 8:22:00 PM GMT+8  

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