Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Call me Engineer Cat.

Remember the problem with my camera? The one here? And that it pulled a fast one on me while we were vacationing in Baguio last month?

Call me cheap, but I wasn't keen on buying a more reliable replacement, such as the Canon Powershot A570 IS, which is actually a fairly old model has been getting rave reviews for its quality and dependability. (Cybershot users are up in arms over that C:13:01 error...calling Sony, lots of angry people baying for blood here.) But I figured I'd go over the Cybershot one last time before making another major purchase.

I visited over fifty forums dedicated to this error alone, and tried each recommendation (removing and re-inserting the memory stick twenty times in rapid succession, formatting from the PC, formatting from the camera, dropping the camera, turning it on and off twenty times in rapid succession, etc.) and chatted with Sony's tech support...all of which proved futile. There were a few users, however, who reported the error as a main circuit board problem and "opening up" the camera and "setting the contact points in alignment" was the only solution that worked.

So that's what I did. I got my precision screw driver set and undid five tiny screws that held the camera together. (Ruined my french manicure, drat.)

So there sat my Cybershot with the insides spilling out...and I couldn't find the goddanmed contact points. Or rather, I didn't know where else to look, it was covered by the battery cradle and I didn't know how to undo that. It seemed that everything else inside was held by tape and other flimsy material.

Sighing, I put the whole thing back together.

And you know what happened?

Goddamned camera came back to life, good as new!


Blogger TK said...

"Precision Screw Driver"

Luckiest Cam Alive, eh?

Friday, January 11, 2008 at 11:31:00 AM GMT+8  

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