Sunday, September 23, 2007

LP Kicks Ass

A funny 6-year-old's answer to a Taekwondo pre-promotion review question. (Not LP, thank God.)

Coach: Where did Taekwondo originate from?

6-year-old: Pampanga.


LP's been attending Taekwondo lessons since June, and as the overbearing mother, I see to it that she doesn't miss a session. Seeing your child get shouted at for misbehaving ("Stop picking your nose!") can get fairly embarrassing for me and humiliating for her, but then, the sense of accomplishment and sheer enjoyment combined seems to more than make up for bruised shins and egos.

Imagine our excitement when her coach recommended her for promotion. (No biggie, actually. If you think about it, it's still money for them. Hehe.) The promotion was held this morning in Ateneo, and wow, there were at least 100 white belts waiting to be promoted.

To be promoted, white belts have to show that they know their kicks, punches, and formations, as well as the history of the martial art. (Pampanga's not in Korea, by the way.) So here's some stuff that they did:

The promoting officer seemed to have been impressed with LP's question-and-answer portion. As he handed her the yellow belt, he said, "You're very smart! I want you to join your school's varsity team, OK?" Mind you, LP was the only one to be praised in her group, and he even volunteered to tie her yellow belt for her. None of the kids got such an offer. Other kids, meanwhile, were told to lose weight or cut their hair or find Korea on a map.

So here's the ass-kicking and snake-loving creature that came from my loins.


Blogger TK said...

kaya pala trapik sa katipunan kahapon.

Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 5:29:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may now officially start calling yourself, "Taekwondo Mom"

Monday, September 24, 2007 at 8:53:00 AM GMT+8  
Blogger Sidney said...

She is serious!
I think it is great you give her this opportunity! It is always good if you are able to kick some ass if necessary!

Thursday, September 27, 2007 at 8:37:00 AM GMT+8  
Blogger Francesca said...

naku, mag ingat ang sasangga dyan, baka ma tadyakan, lol

lalo na manliligaws!

Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 5:23:00 AM GMT+8  

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