Monday, June 16, 2008

LP's sweet birthday, Part 1

Just because she's over and done with the grand celebration of turning 7, doesn't mean my LP won't have as much fun for her 8th.

I had the folks at Krispy Kreme Megamall ice two dozen doughnuts with "Happy B-day Justine." Yep, all 24 of 'em. They suggested that they ice jelly-filled doughnuts instead, one letter per. I insisted on the whole banana each. I'm such a hardball mom, I know.

And isn't Chardy the chef hot? Er...get a grip, Cat. He's too young for you.

I took LP with me to the company beach outing Saturday, which technically wasn't her birthday yet. (It's on the 17th, Tuesday.) So this is celebration no. 1. Yep, everyone loved the doughnuts.

And since I got my first watch at age 8, I figured it was high time she got hers, too. Frikkin' Swatch cost me extra because it came with a diary and pen. Sheesh.

But she's worth it.


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