Tuesday, December 06, 2005

enough ridiculous forwarded email

Ok, I've gotten far too many well-meaning (chain) emails, mostly heartwarming (cancer survivor becomes millionaire and donates his entire estate to the person who gave him a glass of milk when he was thirsty), some threatening (bad sex forever unless forwarded to two hundred people), some precautionary (instant noodles causes cancer), a few absolutely disgusting (fetuses a native delicacy in Taiwan) and some downright untrue (Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ).

Come on. Bill Gates is an angel. And pigs don't have orgasms that last thirty minutes...I married one, so I should know.

Anyhoo, for those seeking enlightenment, check out TruthorFiction.com and BreakTheChain.org.

Don't ask me, though, for proof that whatever they dispute is really proof or if these sites are yanking my chain the other way. Their disputes and verification are pretty straightforward, and at the very least you can say that you don't get suckered easily into believing that Elvis is alive and well in Mt. Banahaw.

For some reason, a lot of people I have high esteem for do believe that vitamin C and shrimp are a lethal combination.


Blogger number cruncher said...

elvis is dead??? damn! well there goes my whole belief system... :-<

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 3:01:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger Kitty Litter said...

(medyo OT) I think it's brave of you to leave an unhappy marriage. It takes courage to admit it's not working. Wishing you the best...so game, blog na! :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 at 8:16:00 AM GMT+8  

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