Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I need some help here...

Seriously. Haven't dated in a while. What do couples do nowadays on a date? Is it a lot like Sex and the City or more like Bcuz of U?

Is it still taboo to kiss on the first date?

Is it ok for a girl to carry condoms with her?

How much alcohol is too much on a first date?

Do couples still go dutch?

What if we play basketball and I end up shooting better than he does?

What if he doesn't speak English?

What if he doesn't speak Tagalog?

What if he's metrosexual?

What if the attraction isn't mutual?

What if my ex-husband's relatives see me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Not if you do it well.
2. Carrying is fine.
3. One glass over your maximum.
4. Sometimes, Dutch is the way to go.
5. Try wrestling.
6. Eh di managalog.
7. Sign language?
8. Then go shopping.
9. Move on.
10. Wear a disguise.

Monday, December 19, 2005 at 6:01:00 AM GMT+8  
Blogger categorically imperative said... was so much easier in college. Maybe I should join

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 at 6:21:00 PM GMT+8  

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