Thursday, September 28, 2006


My legions of fans have been asking what the watch looks like. I could've posted the link to Armani, but then you'd see how much it cost. It's not a Rolex or anything, but still, it's something I really can't afford.

The funny thing is, I really needed a new watch. I used to have three, all at the same time: two Guy Laroche and a Fossil, all gifts from LXH from when we still had some affection for each other. Guy Laroche No. 1 needs major cleaning, which would set me back a few hundred pesos too many. Fossil's strap broke at the most inopportune time, which was right after Guy Laroche No. 2's strap broke, too. I decided to purchase a new strap for No. 2, and a few days later at the gym, it went missing.

So my Nokia had to double as my watch for the next two months.

Oh, the watch. Yeah. Here it is. It actually looks better on my wrist. Hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, blog hopping here!

Thursday, October 5, 2006 at 8:07:00 AM GMT+8  

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