Monday, September 03, 2007

Love and power according to LP.

A meaningful conversation between a 6-year-old and her grandmother:

Lola: Lolo's the boss.

LP: No, you're the boss.

Lola: Why do you say that?

LP: Because you tell Lolo what to do and you have plenty of money.

Lola: I have plenty of money?

LP: Yes, you're the one who's always buying stuff, so you're the boss!

Lola: But that's Lolo's money. I use Lolo's money to buy stuff.

LP: Huh? Lolo lets you spend his money?

Lola: Yes.

LP: Why?

Lola: Because he loves me!

LP: Really, Lola!? Lolo loves you even if you're fat!?


Blogger TK said...

It's a mystery, LP.

You'll be more perplexed once you meet me. I'm bracing myself for a similar question from you... Nay, a more brutally frank one (You do have your Mom's genes little one)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 5:25:00 PM GMT+8  
Blogger .E.R.L.A. said...

Kids say the silliest things...=)

Thursday, October 4, 2007 at 11:18:00 PM GMT+8  

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