Wednesday, August 17, 2005


After one very humiliating session in taebo class, I figured something more on the exotic side wouldn't demand for so much coordination. Striptease. More specifically, aerobic striptease.

Jave Junkie was nice enough to lend me her two volumes of Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease. Strip your way to fitness! the sleeve said. Kewl!

Omigod. Carmen Electra was so HOT. Her breasts were like, whoa. And her ass was, like, whoa, too. Oh, wait, I'm straight.

Anyways, so there she was, in her librarian getup. (Snug black dress, high heels, hair up in a knot, and glasses.) I liked how she breathed onto her glasses and wiped the lenses against the butt of her dress. Or rather, how her butt moved to clear the lenses of her glasses. Whatever.

And then her menswear striptease. Hat, tie, fishnet stockings, and a man's white button-up shirt. Nice what she did with the tie, "And if you're feeling naughty, you can give your man a light slap on the leg with it!"

And the lapdance. Oh, the lapdance. How she just straddled on that chair...oh wait, I'm straight. Sorry.

No way I can ever look that good. Me doing a striptease? Might as well call it a strip comedy.


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