Thursday, October 26, 2006

Shaking some brain cells to life

Milyeno's effects have been more long-term than expected. Even physically, for me at least.

Our weather-beaten roof and gutter (thanks in no small part to lousy construction) gave way to the pounding rains and rendered some parts of the house wet, to say the least. A good friend offered to fix the roof pro-bono, but I guess some damage was already beyond repair. Like the closet, for instance.

The door of which came slamming down my head yesterday morning, as I was getting dressed for work. I literally saw stars.

Head injuries are really messy. There was so much blood, I thought I was going spray all over.

Three ice packs later, I couldn't feel my skullcap, but the bleeding had subsided. I was taken to the doctor that same afternoon, who said I didn't need any stitches despite sustaining two cuts and an abrasion on my scalp, and a scratch on my back. An anti-tetanus shot, though, had to be administered.

I guess it's not so bad as getting hit by felled billboards.


Blogger Antonio Andolini said...

There's a saying, where I come from... "Ang masamang damo.... " :))


Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 5:15:00 PM GMT+8  

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